If you’re struggling with essays, breathe out because you aren’t alone. Instead of spending a lot of time trying to write a quality paper, you can learn some secrets to make your piece of work better. So let’s dive in!

1. Original Thought
First and foremost, you should write only your own thoughts in your essay. Following only this tip, you make your paper much better and stand it out from other ones. This is because it’s as easy as ABC to repeat others’ thoughts because all you need is to rephrase them. Our world is full of copy-paste or rewriting; you could ensure that by searching information on the Internet or reading bestsellers.
Professors have been working for a long time in their institutions; therefore, they’ve read tons of essays and papers. Also, they know sources where students find information or services they ask for help with essay writing.
Therefore, they can tell the difference between original essays and papers with stolen thoughts. It isn’t necessary to tell students that they know about stolen ideas in their papers, but they won’t consider such students as reliable and as persons who try to think on their own.
If you have trouble with finding your own thoughts, you can ask yourself the following questions:
- Why is this issue important?
- Where can I find facts to underpin my thoughts? For instance, if you write about social media’s negative impact, you should read research about it.
- What famous people said about the issue of my essay?
Such questions will help you generate new ideas.
2. Logical Chains
Don’t forget to organize your thoughts logically because your task is to help your reader catch on to your thoughts instead of forcing him or her to dig away in mishmash in your writing.
Reread your essay several times. Does one thought flow smoothly into another? Or maybe your thoughts are on their own terms. Do all points obey one main thought? Or they aren’t connected with the main point.
3. Examples
The paper’s depth is shown by the presence of examples because by reading samples professors understand that you know relations between different things in your topic. It’s a piece of cake to write some abstract statements. For instance, every person knows that we should combine work with rest. But where is the limit of work and time to rest? Not every person will answer you. Therefore, if you say in your essay about combining work and rest, don’t forget to give some examples of when you should stop working and chill out.
4. No Common Phrases
“It’s no secret that your essay should have started originally…” It’s a very common tip, right? It doesn’t show you tricks on how to make your paper better. Such phrases get you bored, and you lose the will to read more.
The situation is similar to essays. Avoid common phrases that everyone knows. If you decide to write such a phrase in your piece of work, you should raise it with examples.
5. No Grammar Mistakes
To avoid mistakes, you should reread your essay several times or give your piece of work to your buddy that is good at writing to check your spelling and punctuation. Also, you can try grammar checkers.
They’ll check your paper for the next mistakes:
- word-choice;
- punctuation in complex sentences;
- tone issues;
- passive voice misuse, etc.
Such services can be desktop and web. The most popular one is Grammarly that has free and paid versions. For essay writing, it’s enough to have a free version of this checker.
6. Quotations and Mentions
If you insert mentions of famous people’s books or researches or quotations from them in your paper, you’ll show that you’re a well-educated person and spent time diving into an essay topic.
But have a measure in the number of quotations and mentions because if your work overflows with them, there is a lack of your thoughts in your paper. Such inserts should only complement your paper, not underpin it.
7. Knowing the Purpose of Your Essay
One of the secret keys of the perfect essay is being aware of its purpose. To understand what we have in mind, let’s turn to posts on Instagram. Users like to spend time writing them because they know why they do it. For example, they write posts for sharing thoughts with their audience. When they know what their posts are aimed at, they write them quickly and come up with different ideas.
And vice versa. If users write only just ‘for the gram’ or because their followers wait for new posts, they struggle with coming up with new ideas. As a result, posts will be boring and without emotions.
The same situation is with essays. If you don’t know why you write your paper, professors will fall asleep while reading your piece of work. Therefore, find goals for your essay.
They can even be crazy and senseless, for example:
- to shock professors because of your intelligence;
- to charm your readers with your beautiful writing style;
- to shock your classmates because of high-quality written essay;
- to prove to yourself that you can write papers well on your own.
In general, the main purpose of essay writing is to learn how to:
- collect data;
- weed out fake information;
- structure data;
- analyze it;
- to apply information.
Think about purposes, and your essays become better.
8. No Fluff Writing and Extra Information
Avoid fluff writing to get the proper number of words because all professors are onto such a trick when reading students’ essays. Instead of adding a lot of words, try to generate new thoughts and write about them. Read famous people’s quotations about your topic and think about them. Maybe you’ll find your own ideas.
Follow these tips, and you’ll write a perfect essay. It’s a bad idea to skip some tips because your essay is a mix of all of them.