Students from all around the globe write various types of essays. They all are different and have different goals and purposes. It frequently confuses students, and they mess up the demands. It sounds awful, but you can overcome this difficulty if you learn the demands attentively and keep them in memory for good. Besides, we can help you by providing similarities.

There may be no need to seek an essay writing service if you learn certain professional tips from academic experts. Every essay has the same structure and demands it. If you know them, you will define the differences and will memorize the demands easily. Therefore, we will provide a guide about the essay writing structure.
Topic Selection
Everything begins with the selection of the topic. This stage is very important and sometimes quite complicated. Not all students can realize what topic and the main problem will be interesting to read about. Therefore, you should:
- Study the current trends in the industry;
- Define the needs of your audience;
- Choose a relevant topic;
- Make sure you can solve the problem;
- Be enthusiastic about the chosen topic.
This process may take a lot of time if you do not know what can be suitable. We recommend trying brainstorming. It is one of the most effective methods of generating ideas. It can be performed in various ways, and we recommend the one known as a “tree.”
Its concept is easy to understand and fulfill. Imagine that the central word of the future topic is a tree. The tree has branches. They represent the main ideas you have about the central word. The leaves on the branches are the facts about every new idea, which is related to the main theme of your paper. For example, you should write an essay on history and have chosen Napoleon Bonaparte. This outstanding historical personality has been already described by many writers, professors, and students.
You may figure out new points to study and reveal about him thanks to the following facts:
- The central idea – Napoleon Bonaparte.
- Related concepts (branches) – emperor, warrior, strategies, leader, aggressor, etc.
- Sub-ideas (leaves) – reasons to become a soldier, personality traits and ambitions, worldview, hopes, historical events that made him choose his path, and so on.
It’s necessary to research the chosen question. You ought to be 100% sure that the chosen topic will provide you and your readers with enough evidence. Perhaps the direction you have chosen cannot ensure clearness and won’t prove your theories. Therefore, investigate the odds. If the data is insufficient, reshape the topic at least a bit and focus on the related direction with more perspectives.
Sort out the facts you get. Make sure you use only trustworthy sources. These are:
- Books in the college and public libraries;
- Governmental sites;
- Education sites;
- Sites of colleges and universities;
- Official studies, surveys, statistics, etc.
Take notes and save online sites in your bookmarks. Thus, you will quickly access them when they are needed.
It’s vital to separate the sources you have found by a logical system. It may be done by:
- Subjects;
- Teachers and professors;
- Related subjects;
- Importance;
- Urgency, etc.
The writing part begins with the introduction. It’s a short paragraph that consists of 3-5 sentences. However, its importance is great. It familiarizes students with the idea of your research. When you write the introductory section, you are supposed to:
- Provide general facts about the topic;
- Create the attention grabber;
- Explain the importance of your topic;
- Clarify why you have chosen it;
- Introducing the thesis statement.
It’s sometimes hard to grab the attention of readers in the introduction. If you fail this task, most readers will not like to read your essay to the end. Therefore, the attention grabber steps up. You can get their attention by using:
- Citation;
- Shocking statement;
- Anecdote;
- Uncommon fact;
- The rhetorical question, etc.
Every essay introduction ends with a thesis statement. It’s the central idea of your essay. It explains the purpose of the chosen topic.
Main Plot
Next comes the main plot or body of your essay. It develops the thesis statement. You should support your theory with practical examples. They must be reliable and straight to the point. Besides, it’s vital to make your text readable and easy to understand. Here are a few effective prompts you may use:
- Cover only one sub-topic in one paragraph;
- Get rid of slang, jargon, technical terms, etc.;
- Break long sentences into smaller chunks;
- Make logical transitions from one paragraph to another;
- If you insert a quote, write lead-on sentences before and explanations after it.
Your essay ends with a conclusion. It is also a short paragraph, which makes about 3-5 sentences. You should summarize the entire essay. Restate the thesis using other words and interpret the results. If you didn’t manage to answer all the questions, don’t be afraid to show it. Promise to investigate them in other essays.
The last stage of essay writing is revision, which is also known as editing and proofreading. Commonly, educators recommend rereading your texts at least twice. If you are not sure and have enough time, do it more often. We likewise recommend trying grammar checkers, such as Grammarly. These smart apps instantly scant the text and show your mistakes. They likewise provide corrections, and all you should do is press the confirmation that you agree to the suggestion. Grammar checkers are useful in the following ways:
- Check grammar mistakes;
- Boost readability;
- Correct word choice;
- Save your time;
- Optimize your work.
Memorize these tips for good. Our guide was prepared by true experts who enjoyed and continue to enjoy success in essay writing. If you know the structure of essays, you will organize your writing and make it run faster and effectively.