At any age, the loss of a parent is just as painful and scary. No matter how old you grow, it simply feels nice to have someone to protect you. Mothers are good at this. With their unlimited love and affection, they know how to make you feel safe. The role a mother plays in your life is simply incomparable. The void that her death leaves in your life can never be filled.
Mother’s love
There is no feeling in this world that can match or compare to a mother’s touch. Only a mother can teach a child to love, instinctively know when something is wrong, comfort you when you feel super low, and always believe in you no matter how many times you fail. The love of a mother is unconditional, and the loss of a mother is always unbearable.
The bond
It is customary to connect with several people during your lifetime, such as family, friends, relatives, co-workers, acquaintances, etc. However, the first bond or relationship that you are introduced to is with your mother. It is why mothers play such a significant role in people’s lives.
One thing about mothers is that most people do not realize their value until they’ve lost her. If you’ve ever wondered why mothers get so worked up about everything, it is because they care. They push you to be your best. They always want only the best things for you.
You don’t have to wait for mother’s day to buy her a gift. Make it a habit to do something that makes her feel special and loved as often as possible. Make her feel appreciated while she is alive. It is not without reason that they say God couldn’t be everywhere, which is why he made mothers.
In memory of them
A piece of fingerprint memorial jewelry is a beautiful way of keeping the memory of your mother alive and with you at all times. Dimple’s jewelry collection is extensive and comprises fingerprint memorial necklaces, fingerprint memorial rings, thumbprint memorial charms, and a lot more. From their extensive collection, you can pick and choose memorial jewelry for the loss of a mother.
The trauma
Generally, a personal loss as significant as the loss of a mother can be traumatic irrespective of what stage of life you are in. It can affect both your physical well as psychological health. Losing your mother means losing an essential part of your support system. You may tend to experience regret, remorse, anxiety, guilt, emptiness, rage, anger, sadness, and numbness.
Feeling her absence
Following the loss of a mother, you might find that relationships within your family are strained. It may be because they need their own time to grieve or because your mother had this way of maintaining peace and decorum within the family, and now in her absence, everyone feels the difference.
Moving on from the loss of a mother can be extremely difficult for anyone. The pride of position that your mother holds in your life is such that it simply cannot be replaced. This is why it is important to let her know that she’s loved and cherished while she’s alive.
Getting help
The hardest part about losing anyone is knowing that you will never see them again. This could be a parent, a sibling, a friend, or even a pet. If the grief persists for a very long period and also interferes with your day-to-day life, it means you may need to get some professional help. You can’t simply ignore the pain and believe it will go away.
Grief counseling can help in understanding what you are going through and that it is normal and natural. It will help you find your balance in case you are left feeling overwhelmed after the loss of your mother.
Losing someone who meant everything and has always been there for you is bound to be difficult to deal with. However, you need to understand that life goes on and that to really make her happy, you have to make all that she wished for you come true.
Make her proud
It’s easy to feel helpless when your mother has passed away. The one thing that you can do which would have mattered to her if she had been around is to live life in such a way that would make her proud. For most parents raising their children to be good human beings and successful people is the only goal. And mothers can be particularly thrilled to see their children doing well.
Remember that though she is gone, your memories can keep her alive forever. Through you, younger generations like your own kids can get to know her. Make sure you achieve every little thing that she wants for you. It becomes easier that way.